Enter the world of gustarosso

DANICOOP, Agricultural Cooperative Society, was born in Sarno, in the province of Salerno, in 1991 thanks to the will and tenacity of farmers who feel the need to combine their knowledge and the ability to grow the San Marzano tomato following the experiences handed down by four generations.


It was born from the desire to give shape to a dream, to bring back to life the ancient popular rite of “making the butteglie”, that is, preparing the tomato sauce, a ritual that was consumed in the Sarnese countryside between August and September.


Lucariello Pomodorino Giallo al Naturale

Il pomodoro giallo Lucariello è un innesto naturale tra le varietà di pomodorino dell'Agro-Sarnese Nocerino e la varietà pomodorino del piennolo del Vesuvio. Viene coltivato nell'Agro-Sarnese Nocerino.

Piccerillo in termopacco - Gli orti della musica

Pomodori autoctoni campani Passata di pomodori 100% italiani e pomodorino Crovarese Confezione (6 bottiglie da 400gr)


DANICOOP offers Food Travel to show the world unpublished paths of Taste, with the awareness that much of our tourism is due to our agricultural landscapes and the products they offer us.

The Gustarosso project has expanded to become also Rooms. It is possible to stay in cozy rooms each dedicated to a native variety of Campania: San Marzano tomato, Crovarese tomato, Lucariello, Spunzillo and Friarielli. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the tomato food experience and rediscover local biodiversity and the typical flavors of our tradition, which you can also find and buy in our Km0 shop. Located in Sarno, in a strategic position, GustarossoRooms allows you to reach places of cultural interest in a short time: it is a few kilometers from Naples, as many from Salerno, it is close to the excavations of Pompeii and in half an hour you can reach our divine Amalfi Coast. Amalafitana. Furthermore, from here it is possible to reach even the major work centers, for a business trip or pleasure. GustarossoRooms; live your experience book your room now!

Thanks to the sound balance induced by the Harmonic-Natural polyphony and a careful preservation process based on desired temperatures, Freman and Gustarosso have created this product resulting from the union of two ancient varieties of autochthonous Campania tomatoes.

Music makes tomatoes grow

Peppe Vessicchio

Bellavita Awards

Gustarosso in the World


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